Building the MrBeast Burger Website from Scratch

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Building the MrBeast Burger Website from Scratch

A quick peek behind-the-scenes of how I re-built the MrBeast Burger website in WordPress.

A Quiet Re-Launch in a New Platform

The goal of the MrBeast Burger website project was to seamlessly transition this popular brand’s online presence into the WordPress platform while preserving its distinctive design language and user experience. One of the primary challenges was replicating the intricacies of the original website’s design within WordPress, ensuring that customers wouldn’t notice the change in technology but would still enjoy a smooth and familiar browsing experience.

The project was set against tight parameters, with a mere two-week turnaround time from inception to launch. To maintain efficiency, the decision was made to integrate with a third-party ordering platform rather than developing an in-house solution. This required seamless API integrations to dynamically pull menu items and location data, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for customers browsing the MrBeast Burger website. Despite these constraints, the project aimed for excellence in both functionality and user engagement, showcasing the adaptability and innovation required in modern web development.

Technical Implementation: Building the MrBeast Burger Website

During the development of the MrBeast Burger website, I made strategic technical decisions to ensure a seamless user experience and optimize the site for search engines.

Crafting a Custom WordPress Theme

I chose to create a custom WordPress theme instead of using pre-built solutions. This approach allowed me to tailor the design and functionality to MrBeast Burger’s unique brand identity, resulting in a website that performs efficiently and delights users.

There was an existing theme that I had previously built for Buca di Beppo, Brio Italian Grille, Bravo Italian Kitchen, and Bertucci’s, which I leveraged as a starting point for the MrBeast Burger website. This foundation provided a solid framework for the new theme, enabling me to focus on customizing the design elements and integrating the necessary features.

Leveraging Block Patterns for Consistency

My custom WordPress theme embraced block themes and patterns provided by Gutenberg. This enabled me to maintain a consistent and visually appealing layout across the website while empowering content creation and editing.

By leveraging block patterns, I ensured that the MrBeast Burger website’s pages were cohesive and engaging, enhancing the overall user experience. These patterns allowed for easy content creation and editing, streamlining the process of updating the website with new information and promotions.

I chose to use the WordPress Gutenberg block editor over other solutions like Elementor, WP Bakery, or Divi due primarily to it’s (comparatively) small HTML payloads. This decision was made to ensure that the website would load quickly and provide a seamless browsing experience for visitors.

Developing Custom Plugins

To enhance the functionality of the MrBeast Burger website, I developed custom plugins that integrated with third-party APIs and services. These plugins were designed to streamline the ordering process, provide location-based information, and optimize the site for search engines.

GitHub Integrations for Future Maintenance

GitHub played a crucial role in how I set up my plugin for future maintenance. The plugins and themes that I wrote for the MrBeast Burger website were hosted on GitHub in private repositories. When a release is set up in GitHub, the plugin or theme can be updated directly from the WordPress dashboard, making it easy to push updates to the website without needing to access the server directly.

Integrations with Third-Party APIs

The MrBeast Burger website required integrations with third-party APIs to provide accurate and up-to-date information to customers. One of the key integrations was with the Olo API, which allowed the website to dynamically pull menu items and location data from the ordering platform.

Olo API Integration

The Olo API integration was essential for the MrBeast Burger website, as it enabled customers to view the menu, find nearby locations, and allow navigation from the website directly to the location’s third-party ordering page. By leveraging the Olo API, I ensured that the website displayed accurate and real-time information, enhancing the user experience and driving conversions.

Implementing OpenLayers Integration for Interactive Maps

To provide users with an engaging experience, I integrated OpenLayers for location mapping. This allowed customers to interactively explore nearby MrBeast Burger outlets directly on the website.

A map showing MrBeast burger locations around Orlando, Fl

Optimizing Assets for Performance

I optimized all website assets, including images, CSS, and JavaScript files, to improve load times and enhance user experience. This optimization aligns with best SEO practices, ensuring the website performs well in search engine rankings.

I also introduced aggressive static caching to ensure that the website loads quickly and efficiently for users. This caching strategy reduced server load and improved the overall performance of the MrBeast Burger website.

The technical implementation phase of the MrBeast Burger website project focused on customization, integration, and optimization to deliver a high-performing and user-friendly website tailored to the brand’s needs.

Project Management: Bringing MrBeast Burger’s Website to Life

Managing the MrBeast Burger website project required meticulous planning and strategic decision-making to meet tight deadlines and deliver a seamless user experience.

Tight Turnaround Time

With a strict two-week turnaround time from inception to launch, I orchestrated a streamlined development process. This involved setting clear milestones, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining effective communication to ensure timely delivery without compromising quality.

Leveraging Third-Party Ordering Platform

Instead of developing an in-house ordering system, I integrated the website with a third-party platform, Olo API, to handle menu display and ordering functionalities. This decision saved development time and resources while providing customers with a familiar and efficient ordering experience.

API Integration for Menu and Location Data

Integrating with external APIs was essential for pulling menu items and location data dynamically. I managed the API integration process, ensuring seamless data retrieval and display on the website, which enhanced user engagement and accessibility.

Streamlined Deployment and Testing

Throughout the project, I implemented efficient deployment strategies, leveraging GitHub for version control and automated updates. Rigorous testing procedures were conducted to identify and resolve any issues promptly, ensuring a smooth and error-free website launch.

Customer-Centric Approach

I prioritized user experience and customer satisfaction throughout the project. By implementing intuitive navigation features and optimizing load times, I aimed to create a website that not only showcases the MrBeast Burger brand but also provides users with a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience.

The project management approach for the MrBeast Burger website project emphasized efficiency, collaboration, and customer-centric design, resulting in a successful and impactful website launch within a demanding timeline.

Quiet Launch Strategy: Flying Under the Radar

For the MrBeast Burger website launch, I implemented a deliberate “quiet launch” strategy aimed at minimizing attention while ensuring a smooth rollout and optimal user experience.

Strategic Timing

The website launch was strategically timed to coincide with minimal fanfare or promotion. By avoiding extensive marketing efforts or announcements, we aimed to assess website performance and gather user feedback organically.

Low-Profile Promotion

Minimal promotional efforts were undertaken to avoid drawing attention during the initial launch phase. This approach allowed us to focus on refining the website and addressing any potential issues before a broader audience engagement.

Observations and Insights

Post-launch, I closely monitored website analytics and user interactions to gather insights and identify areas for improvement. This proactive approach enabled us to iterate and optimize the website based on real-time data and user feedback.

User-Centric Iteration

With a quiet launch strategy, the primary focus was on ensuring a positive user experience. By prioritizing user feedback and engagement, I was able to implement iterative improvements that align with user preferences and expectations.

The quiet launch strategy for the MrBeast Burger website facilitated a controlled rollout and provided valuable insights for continuous optimization and enhancement. This approach allowed us to fine-tune the website in response to user behavior and preferences, ultimately enhancing its performance and effectiveness.

Conclusion: Elevating MrBeast Burger’s Online Presence

In conclusion, the journey of building the MrBeast Burger website from scratch was a testament to strategic planning, technical expertise, and a relentless commitment to user experience. By replicating the original design seamlessly within WordPress and navigating tight project parameters, I successfully brought MrBeast Burger’s online presence to life.

Through innovative technical implementations, including custom WordPress development, API integrations, and meticulous project management, the website not only met but exceeded expectations. Leveraging a quiet launch strategy allowed for iterative improvements based on real-time user insights, ensuring optimal performance and engagement.

Moving forward, the MrBeast Burger website stands as a prime example of the intersection between creativity and functionality in web development. By prioritizing user-centric design and efficient project management, I am proud to have contributed to enhancing MrBeast Burger’s digital footprint and online accessibility.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, I remain committed to delivering innovative solutions and empowering brands to thrive in the online realm. Cheers to the success of MrBeast Burger and the journey of continuous improvement in the dynamic world of web development.